How To Make Time For The Gym
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How To Make Time For The Gym In A Busy Schedule?

If you’re a busy mom or a person whose schedule is jam-packed, you know the struggle of taking out the elusive “me-time”.

Our busy lifestyle and workload often do not allow time for exercise. Besides, going to the gym may feel like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. But this is why we should discipline our mind and body into moving more. Like all life processes, exercise is crucial for unlocking a happier, healthier, and calmer you.

Therefore, in this article, we’ll share some actionable tips on “how to make time for the gym in your busy schedule.”

Get ready to ditch your sedentary lifestyle and transform your life, one rep at a time!

Ready. Set. Go!

11 Ways to Make Time for Exercise When You’re Busy

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, men who exercised strenuously, burning 2,000 calories a week, lived longer than those who didn’t.

It also suggests that finding time to exercise increases your chance of a healthy, long, and happy life.

Here are 11 ways you can learn how to exercise when you have no time.

how to make time to workout

Start Your Day Earlier

Robin Sharma, in his book, The 5 AM Club, wrote: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself.

Starting your day earlier allows you to do all the things you wanted to make time for a doable job; going to the gym, meditating, writing a journal, learning, and much more.

You can spend 20 minutes in the morning, exercising in any form; running, walking, or swimming.

Analyze Your Your Daily Routine

Fixing your daily routine is a great way to get in shape mindfully. Create a consistent sleep schedule, wake up every day at the same time.

Also, writing a journal and using mindfulness strategies help a lot in starting your day off on a positive note.

The main purpose of going to the gym is to feel mentally and physically fit and healthy. This is only possible if you set a daily routine to accomplish your tasks more quickly and effectively.

Find Your Perfect Time and Routine

Some people are morning people, while some are night owls. A morning person feels the most productive at the earliest hours.

Whereas, night owls stay awake and get most of their work done in the night time.

If you’re a beginner in your fitness regimen, it’s important to find your perfect time and routine and assign 30 minutes for gym time.

This would allow you to work at your own pace and comfort.

Make a Consistent Workout Routine

Consistency is everything in your routine.

If you’re a beginner, you’re likely going to hire a personal trainer. Expert trainers recommend sticking to a daily workout routine to make the most out of your sessions.

Your fitness journey is a mental battle and hence, you should trick your mind for fruitful results.

Also, professional trainers suggest trying out new gym workouts and diet plans to see what delivers the best results.

Take Advantage of Technology

Traditional fitness methods relied wholly and solely on intuitions. These days, technology has advanced so much to track your fitness goals.

Make use of the tools, such as fitness trackers, smartwatches, and other gadgets to enhance your fitness experience and stay motivated.

Additionally, fitness trackers and smartwatches are helpful for people with health conditions to monitor their progress and track their results.

Set An Hourly Reminder

Treat your workouts as an appointment and set a reminder on your phone. When the alarm beeps, avoid snoozing it and get back to your workout sessions.

Keep your Workout Clothes Within Reach

If you happen to travel a lot, keep your gym bag handy and within reach. Always keep a pair of running shoes, moisture-wick clothes, and socks in your car to keep your fitness experience seamless.

This way, even if you miss your gym session because of your busy schedule, you can move around, go on a hike, or stroll through the neighborhood even for 20 minutes.

The secret is to keep moving and sweating.

Join the Most Convenient Gym Possible

If your gym is near to your home or office, you can always reach there with convenience. No more weather excuses because you cannot be bothered to make an effort.

People also work out more often and longer when the gym is near to their locality or office because it’s easier to show up. Therefore, it is important to choose a gym that is nearby.

Make Exercise Fun!

Don’t just work out for the sake of exercise. Find activities that you genuinely enjoy and make a habit of doing them every day.

Whether you enjoy cycling, swimming, running, or hiking, create a schedule and stick to it. You can also assign these activities on weekends or your gym off days to treat yourself kindly.

Whatever you do, make things exciting and fun. Play with your workout routine and switch exercises to keep things spicy.

Get an Accountability Buddy

Two is always better than one!

Research suggests that people lose around 50% more weight when they have a partner they can hold accountable.

Therefore, if you’ve got a gym buddy, chances are you’re going to nail your journey.

Finding an accountability buddy doesn’t always have to be physical. You can find a virtual buddy and track your fitness progress with them. You can also decide on diet plans and workout plans together to succeed in your goals.

Don’t Disregard the Weekend

Stop wasting your weekends on Netflix and start being physically active.

Do you wake up to watch TV on a Saturday morning? Switch it with a walk or jog in your neighborhood and watch your life transform.

If you have kids, take them to a nearby park or gym and let them explore outdoor activities for a fun and happening weekend.

Reasons To Make Time For Exercise

You might wonder, “Why should I make time for exercise when I can go to it any time of the day?”

Science says it’s worth it.

Here’s how:

how to make time for exercise

Healthier Body

Regular exercise like cardio training is good for your heart, lungs, and muscles. It also improves your overall cardiovascular health. Research suggests regular exercise prevents the risk of chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and some types of cancers.

Better Sleep

A regular workout routine helps release happy hormones to improve your sleep quality.

The physical labor you do makes you sleep faster and experience deeper and more restorative sleep.

Healthy Mind

Regular workouts and exercise release endorphins. These are the chemicals in your brain that make you happy and improve your mental well-being.

Therefore, exercise is a natural mood booster that is great for a healthy, happy mind.

Stress Relief

Physical labor and outdoor activities are powerful stress busters. It targets your stress hormones; cortisol and improves your body’s ability to deal with stressful situations.

Weight Loss

Moving around helps you lose considerable weight. While diet is crucial in your weight loss journey, exercise plays a vital role in burning fat and calories and helps build muscle mass.

Energy Boost

Regular exercises and workouts help improve your body’s efficiency in using Oxygen and provide sustained energy throughout the day.

Improved Mood

Besides releasing happy hormones; endorphins, exercise has a lasting impact on your mood. It can also help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, followed by regular consultations and mindful activities.

Improve Your Memory

Exercise and workouts promote the growth of new brain cells and boost cognitive function and memory.

Creativity Boost

Exercise and physical activities enhance your creative and critical thinking process by sparking new ideas and improving your problem-solving skills.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know how to find time to workout, it’s easier to move forward!

If you’ve always felt like incorporating exercises or workouts into your daily routine is a chore, fret not!

This article has covered everything you need to make time for the gym in your busy schedule.

Professional personal trainers swear by the idea of treating your exercises or gym sessions like important meetings, so you don’t get a chance to miss them at all.

Also, by utilizing technology and gadgets, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, you can track your fitness progress and stay motivated.

Overall, it’s crucial to keep your gym clothes and shoes handy if you travel a lot. Also, choosing a convenient gym location can help substantially in achieving your fitness goals.

The best personal trainer tip is to partner up with a buddy for accountability and stay active on weekends.

By following these tips, you can easily make time for the gym in your jam-packed schedule.


How Do I Make a good Gym Schedule?

Creating an effective gym schedule is possible through your preferences, such as gym timing and workout style. If you’re a beginner, we recommend aiming for 2 to 3 sessions of cardio and strength training combo. You can also structure your workouts with warm-ups, cool-downs, and stretching.

How Long Should Your Gym Time Be?

It depends on your fitness levels and goals. However, if you’re a:

  1. Beginner: 20 to 30 minutes 3 times a week.
  2. Intermediate: 30 to 60 minutes 4 to 5 times a week.
  3. Advanced: 60+ minutes per session.

Is 2 hours at the gym enough?

If you’re an advanced gym member, yes, 2 hours at the gym are enough. However, for most people, 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per session is a good starting point.

How long is 1 gym session?

Your average time to workout depends on your fitness levels and goals. However, for most people, 30 to 60 minutes a session is great.

How often should I go to the gym?

If you’re a beginner, you should go 3 times a week. However, intermediate or advanced members can leverage up to 5 sessions a week based on their fitness levels and goals.

How to make time for exercise with a busy schedule?

Finding time to exercise is easy if you focus on your goals and expectations. Starting your day earlier is one of the best advice to focus on yourself. Also, finding your perfect time and routine for gym sessions plays an important role.