How To Start A Gym Routine
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How To Start A Gym Routine?: Tips To Stay Motivated Everyday

Struggling to make the gym a regular thing? You’re not alone—everyone hits those walls. It could be finding the time, feeling awkward, or just not having the energy. But hey, these hurdles aren’t deal-breakers.

From picking a gym buddy to treating workouts like any other plan, there are plenty of ways to get around the bumps and keep you showing up. Read on to learn how to start a gym routine and get in the best shape of your life.

(Bonus: We also include tips on how to enjoy the gym so that you go there consistently to achieve your goals.).

How to Start a Workout Routine

As a beginner, you might not know how to start working out, but that’s okay. We’ve got a simple routine to ease you in. Whether you’re just starting out or returning after a break, these steps can guide you through the basics and help build your confidence.

how to start working out

Don’t Give Yourself Any Get-Out-of-Gym Cards

It’s easy to come up with reasons to skip the gym—too tired, too busy, or just not feeling it. But showing up consistently is key to progress. Book your workouts like any other meeting; this way, it’s on your calendar and harder to ignore. Pack your gym bag the night before to save time and eliminate any morning rush excuses. Even when you don’t feel up to it, remind yourself why you started and just get through the door. You’ll often find once you’re there, you’re glad you went.

Know It’s Going to Be a Challenge at First

It’s not easy to know how to start exercising for beginners. It’s easy to feel out of place or unsure. So, begin with easy exercises you’re comfortable with, and gradually add new ones. Focus on just getting there. Every gym-goer felt awkward once, but they all had a first day, too.
Remember It Makes You Tired

Working out can drain you, especially when you’re new to it. Expect to feel worn out after those initial sessions. To manage, schedule workouts when you know you’ll have downtime after. Give yourself permission to rest and recover, so you’re ready for your next session.

Expect to Feel Wiped Out

Starting a workout routine is like learning a new skill—it’s challenging at first. Your muscles might ache in places you didn’t know existed, and you may struggle with the exercises. This is normal. As you keep going, your body adjusts, and what seemed hard before starts to feel more natural.

Start Light to Build Up Strength

Sure, people like Arnold Schwarzenegger lifted heavy from the start. But for us mortals, it’s better to begin with lighter weights. You can always build up gradually as your body gets stronger. Starting light helps you learn proper form and prevents injuries.

Begin with a Warm-Up

Warming up is crucial before diving into your workout. Begin with something simple like walking or light stretching. This prepares your muscles and joints for action, reducing the risk of injury. Plus, it helps ease you into a more intense workout without shock to your system.

Give Yourself a Mini-Break Between Sets

After completing a set of exercises, allow yourself a short break. Your muscles need time to recover before you hit them again. Resting also helps maintain your energy levels throughout the workout. Think of it as giving your body a quick breather to keep going strong.

Cool Down After You’re Done

Cooling down after your workout is just as important as warming up. Spend a few minutes doing gentle stretches or slow walking. This helps your heart rate return to normal and reduces muscle stiffness. It’s a nice way to signal to your body that the hard part is over.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is key during exercise. Keep a water bottle handy and take sips between sets. Water helps keep your muscles working smoothly and prevents cramps. If you’re sweating a lot, consider adding a pinch of salt or drinking a sports drink to replenish electrolytes.

Pay Attention to What Your Body Tells You

Your body has a way of telling you when it’s had enough, so pay attention. If something feels off, ease up or take a break. Ignoring these signals can lead to setbacks, and no one wants that.

Do What You Can Handle

It’s okay if you can’t do everything right away. Start with what you can handle and build from there. You’ll be surprised how quickly small efforts add up.

Forget About Keeping Up with Others

The gym is about your progress, not competing with the person next to you. Stick to your own pace and goals. Chasing others’ achievements can make you lose focus on what’s best for your fitness journey.

Keep Patient—Results Take Time

It’s normal to feel frustrated when you don’t see quick results, especially if you’re putting in the effort. Instead of giving up, remind yourself that changes happen gradually. Also, remember that…

It’s A Natural Process

Building muscle or shedding pounds doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a natural process that involves your body gradually adapting to new routines. Give it time, and you’ll start noticing the little changes that show your hard work paying off.

Expecting Too Much In Little Time Is Unrealistic

Expecting big changes overnight can set you up for disappointment. Real progress takes weeks or even months. Celebrate small wins, like finishing your workout or feeling more energetic, and build from there.

Keep It Interesting

You’ve kicked off a daily gym routine. But let’s be real—it can get a bit boring, leaving you wondering how to keep the gym fun. There are plenty of ways to mix things up:

Find That Sweet Spot

Hate running? Don’t do it. Love dancing? Try a Zumba class. The key is finding activities that don’t feel like a chore. You can enjoy weightlifting, spin classes, or even a yoga session. Experiment with different workouts until something clicks.

A Gym Buddy Can Help You Progress

Having a friend join you at the gym can make workouts less intimidating and more fun. It’s easier to show up when someone’s counting on you. Plus, having a gym buddy can push you to try harder and keep each other motivated.

Don’t Let Others’ Gains Get You Down

Seeing others with bigger gains or perfect shapes can get you down. But let’s keep it real—you’re on your own path. Everyone’s got their timeline, and focusing on someone else’s success won’t get you where you want to be. Concentrate on your own progress, and you’ll find it way more rewarding.

Bring All Your Gym Essentials

Routines need some planning. So make sure you’ve got all the essentials packed for a smooth workout. Being prepared can make a huge difference in your gym experience.

Get a Handy Gym Bag

A solid gym bag is a lifesaver. It keeps everything in one place, so you’re not scrambling around for your gear. Choose one that fits your style but also consider features like pockets and compartments for organizing your essentials.

Fill Your Bag with Must-Haves

Pack your bag with gloves, a water bottle, a towel, and headphones—you’ll need them. The more prepared you are, the easier your workout gets. Plus, having everything ready helps you avoid excuses.

Track Your Progress with an App

Keeping track of your workouts can be a hassle, but using an app makes it so much easier. Apps let you log everything, from your sets to your reps. Many come with cool features like progress charts and reminders, making it simple to stay on top of your fitness goals. Some good options for beginners include Caliber and Aaptiv.

Reward Yourself for Extra Motivation

Feeling low on motivation? Give yourself a little boost by rewarding your hard work. Treat yourself to a favorite snack or a relaxing bath after a good workout. Rewards can be anything that makes you happy and keeps you motivated. You’ll feel more excited about your progress and look forward to your gym sessions even more.

Rest Up and Recharge for Tomorrow

Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Your body needs rest to recharge and recover from your workouts. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep to feel refreshed and ready to tackle your next gym day. With proper rest, you’ll have more energy and can get better results from your workouts.

Make Gym Time a Regular Task on Your List

Make your gym time a priority by adding it to your daily to-do list. Treat it like any other important task you can’t skip. Whether it’s morning, afternoon, or evening, set a specific time and stick to it. This way, you’ll find it easier to make working out a consistent part of your day.

Pick a Gym That’s Close and Convenient

Pick a gym that’s close to home or work to make it easier to go regularly. The less time you spend commuting, the more likely you are to stick to your routine. A nearby gym also removes the hassle and excuses, making it simple to get in your daily workout.

How to Turn Gym Time into a Habit – Expert Tips

Wondering how to make going to the gym a habit? It can be challenging, but with these tips, you’ll find it easier to make workouts a lasting part of your life. Here’s how to make it stick.

how to make the gym a habit

Lock in Your Gym Time

Pick a time slot for your gym sessions that fits your daily schedule. Morning, noon, or night—find what works best for you. Consistency is easier when you plan your workouts around your most predictable time of day.

Set a Reminder to Get Moving

Set a reminder on your phone about 30 minutes before your workout. A little alert can be the push you need. It helps you get mentally and physically ready without excuses. Maybe even set a fun ringtone to get you in the mood.

Start Slow and Build Up

Ease into your workouts by starting with lighter exercises and shorter durations. Let your body adapt before increasing intensity. Overloading yourself too soon can lead to burnout or injury, so take it slow and steady.

Celebrate Small Wins and Keep Advancing

Celebrate small victories by tracking your progress. Maybe it’s adding a few more reps or lifting slightly heavier weights each week. These incremental improvements build confidence and keep you moving forward.

Prepare Your Gear

Have your gym clothes, shoes, and any other essentials ready the night before. If your gym gear is packed and visible, you’re less likely to bail out. It removes that “I can’t find my stuff” excuse that can derail your plan.

Keep Your Workouts Fresh and Fun

Add variety to your workouts to keep things exciting. Try different classes, machines, or workout styles. It’s a great way to avoid monotony and discover new fitness interests you might enjoy. If you’re just starting, consider exploring a beginner gym workout to get a feel for different exercises and find what you enjoy most.

Show Up Every Time, No Matter What

Show up even when you’re not feeling it. A short workout is better than none. Keeping your routine consistent helps reinforce the habit, making each session feel more natural over time.

Now You Know How to Start a Gym Routine to Stay Consistent

You’ve finally learned what it takes for starting a gym routine. Remember, every person starts somewhere, and it’s the small steps that lead to big changes. Use the tips and advice above to stay on track and make your gym routine a natural part of your day. Ready to flex your newfound knowledge? Let’s get those gains!


Q: How much gym should a beginner do?

If you’re just starting, aim for three to four 40-minute sessions a week. Ease into it and let your body adjust. Over time, you can step it up and make progress faster.

Q: How many times a week should a beginner go to the gym?

Start with two to three gym visits a week. This gives your body a chance to get used to the new routine. As you get more comfortable, you can go more often.

Q: What’s best to eat before a workout?

Go for a mix of carbs and protein. Carbs give you energy, while protein helps with muscle repair. Think a banana with some peanut butter or a yogurt with berries.

Q: How long does it take to see results from working out 5 days a week?

You’ll probably start noticing small changes in about four to six weeks. Bigger changes usually take around eight to twelve weeks. Just stick with it, and you’ll see progress!